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Poll Archive
April 2023 : National Poll
Topline – April
#2023 #abortion #AI #April #Bank Failures #Big Tech #Congress #Debt #foreignpolicy #Hunter Biden #Inflation #pay gap #Surveillance #Topline #Trump Indictment #Twitter
Crosstabs – April
#2023 #abortion #AI #April #Bank Failures #Big Tech #Congress #Crosstabs #Debt #foreignpolicy #Hunter Biden #Inflation #pay gap #Surveillance #Trump Indictment #Twitter
Key Results – April
#2023 #abortion #AI #April #Bank Failures #Big Tech #Congress #Debt #foreignpolicy #Hunter Biden #Inflation #keyresults #pay gap #Surveillance #Trump Indictment #Twitter
March 2023 : National Poll
Topline – March
#2023 #abortion #AI #Bank Failures #Big Tech #China #Congress #Debt #foreignpolicy #Inflation #March #pay gap #Surveillance #Topline #Trump Indictment
Crosstabs – March
#2023 #abortion #AI #Bank Failures #Big Tech #China #Congress #Crosstabs #Debt #foreignpolicy #Inflation #March #pay gap #Surveillance #Trump Indictment
Key Results – March
#2023 #abortion #AI #Bank Failures #Big Tech #China #Congress #Debt #foreignpolicy #Inflation #keyresults #March #pay gap #Surveillance #Trump Indictment
February 2023 : National Poll
Topline – February
#2023 #Big Tech #China #Congress #Debt #February #foreignpolicy #free speech #Hunter Biden #immigration #Inflation #Regulation #SOTU #Surveillance #Topline #Twitter
Crosstabs – February
#2023 #Big Tech #China #Congress #Crosstabs #Debt #February #foreignpolicy #free speech #Hunter Biden #immigration #Inflation #Regulation #SOTU #Surveillance #Twitter
Key Results – February
#2023 #Big Tech #China #Congress #Debt #February #foreignpolicy #free speech #Hunter Biden #immigration #Inflation #keyresults #Regulation #SOTU #Surveillance #Twitter
January 2023 : National Poll
Key Results – January
#2023 #Congress #Debt #foreignpolicy #free speech #Hunter Biden #immigration #Inflation #January #keyresults #Midterm Elections #Regulation #Speaker of the House #Twitter
December 2022 : National Poll
Topline – December
#2022 #abortion #Congress #COVID #December #Elon Musk #foreignpolicy #free speech #Hunter Biden #immigration #Inflation #Midterm Elections #Supreme Court #Topline #Twitter
Crosstabs – December
#2022 #abortion #Congress #COVID #Crosstabs #December #Elon Musk #foreignpolicy #free speech #Hunter Biden #immigration #Inflation #Midterm Elections #Supreme Court #Twitter
Key Results – December
#2022 #abortion #Congress #COVID #December #Elon Musk #foreignpolicy #free speech #Hunter Biden #immigration #Inflation #keyresults #Midterm Elections #Supreme Court #Twitter
November 2022 : National Poll
Key Results – November
#2022 #abortion #Congress #COVID #foreignpolicy #free speech #Hunter Biden #immigration #Inflation #keyresults #Midterm Elections #November #Roe v Wade #Supreme Court #Ukraine
Topline – November
#2022 #abortion #Congress #COVID #foreignpolicy #free speech #Hunter Biden #immigration #Inflation #Midterm Elections #November #Roe v Wade #Supreme Court #Topline #Ukraine
Crosstabs – November
#2022 #abortion #Congress #COVID #Crosstabs #foreignpolicy #free speech #Hunter Biden #immigration #Inflation #Midterm Elections #November #Roe v Wade #Supreme Court #Ukraine
October 2022 : National Poll
Crosstabs – October
#2022 #abortion #Climate Change #COVID #Crosstabs #Executive Order #foreignpolicy #free speech #Hunter Biden #immigration #Inflation #Marijuana #Midterm Elections #Minimum Wage #October #Roe v Wade #Student Debt #Supreme Court #Ukraine
Topline – October
#2022 #abortion #Climate Change #COVID #Executive Order #foreignpolicy #free speech #Hunter Biden #immigration #Inflation #Marijuana #Midterm Elections #Minimum Wage #October #Roe v Wade #Student Debt #Supreme Court #Topline #Ukraine
Key Results – October
#2022 #abortion #Climate Change #COVID #Executive Order #foreignpolicy #free speech #Hunter Biden #immigration #Inflation #keyresults #Marijuana #Midterm Elections #Minimum Wage #October #Roe v Wade #Student Debt #Supreme Court #Ukraine
September 2022 : National Poll
Topline – September
#2022 #abortion #Climate Change #COVID #foreignpolicy #free speech #Hunter Biden #immigration #Inflation #Jan-6-Riot #Mar-a-Lago Raid #Roe v Wade #September #Student Debt #Supreme Court #Topline
Crosstabs – September
#2022 #abortion #Climate Change #COVID #Crosstabs #foreignpolicy #free speech #Hunter Biden #immigration #Inflation #Jan-6-Riot #Mar-a-Lago Raid #Roe v Wade #September #Student Debt #Supreme Court
Key Results – September
#2022 #abortion #Climate Change #COVID #foreignpolicy #free speech #Hunter Biden #immigration #Inflation #Jan-6-Riot #keyresults #Mar-a-Lago Raid #Roe v Wade #September #Student Debt #Supreme Court
July 2022 : National Poll
Topline – July
#2022 #abortion #Climate Change #COVID #Crime #Electoral Reform #foreignpolicy #free speech #immigration #Inflation #Jan-6-Riot #July #Roe v Wade #Supreme Court #Topline #Ukraine
Crosstabs – July
#2022 #abortion #Climate Change #COVID #Crime #Crosstabs #Electoral Reform #foreignpolicy #free speech #immigration #Inflation #Jan-6-Riot #July #Roe v Wade #Supreme Court #Ukraine
Key Results – July
#2022 #abortion #Climate Change #COVID #Crime #Electoral Reform #foreignpolicy #free speech #immigration #Inflation #Jan-6-Riot #July #keyresults #Roe v Wade #Supreme Court #Ukraine
June 2022 : National Poll
Crosstabs – June
#2022 #abortion #COVID #Crime #foreignpolicy #free speech #Gun Control #immigration #Inflation #June #keyresults #Roe v Wade #Supreme Court #Ukraine
Topline – June
#2022 #abortion #COVID #Crime #foreignpolicy #free speech #Gun Control #immigration #Inflation #June #keyresults #Roe v Wade #Supreme Court #Ukraine
Key Results – June
#2022 #abortion #COVID #Crime #foreignpolicy #free speech #Gun Control #immigration #Inflation #June #keyresults #Roe v Wade #Supreme Court #Ukraine
May 2022 : National Poll
Topline – May
#2022 #COVID #Crime #foreignpolicy #Gun Control #immigration #Inflation #May #Topline #Ukraine
Crosstabs – May
#2022 #COVID #Crime #Crosstabs #foreignpolicy #Gun Control #immigration #Inflation #May #Ukraine
Key Results – May
#2022 #COVID #Crime #foreignpolicy #free speech #Gun Control #immigration #Inflation #keyresults #May #Ukraine
April 2022 : National Poll
Crosstabs – April
#2022 #April #COVID #Crime #Crosstabs #foreignpolicy #immigration #Inflation #Ukraine
Key Results – April
#2022 #April #COVID #Crime #foreignpolicy #immigration #Inflation #keyresults #Ukraine
March 2022 : National Poll
February 2022 : National Poll
Key results – February
#2022 #COVID #February #keyresults #NATO #presidentialelection #primaries #vaccine
Topline: Full Release – February
#2022 #COVID #February #foreignpolicy #midtermelection #NATO #presidentialelection #primaries #Topline #Ukraine #vaccine
Crosstabs: Full Release – February
#2022 #COVID #Crosstabs #February #foreignpolicy #midtermelection #NATO #presidentialelection #primaries #Ukraine #vaccine
January 2022 : National Poll
Key results – January
#2022 #COVID #January #keyresults #midtermelection #presidentialelection #primaries #vaccine
Topline: Full Release – January
#2022 #COVID #January #midtermelection #presidentialelection #primaries #Topline #vaccine
Crosstabs: Full Release – January
#2022 #COVID #Crosstabs #January #midtermelection #presidentialelection #primaries #vaccine
October 2021 : National Poll
Topline: Full Release – October
#2021 #COVID #infrastructure #October #presidentialelection #primaries #Topline #vaccine
Crosstabs: Full Release – October
#2021 #COVID #Crosstabs #infrastructure #October #presidentialelection #primaries #vaccine
Key results – October
#2021 #COVID #infrastructure #keyresults #October #presidentialelection #primaries #vaccine
May 2021 : National Poll
Topline: Full Release – May
#2021 #COVID #infrastructure #May #presidentialelection #primaries #Topline #vaccine
Crosstabs: Full Release – May
#2021 #COVID #Crosstabs #infrastructure #May #presidentialelection #primaries #vaccine
April 2021 : National Poll
Topline: Full Release – April
#2020-election-results #2020-protests #2021 #April #COVID #infrastructure #presidentialelection #primaries #Topline #vaccine
Crosstabs: Full Release – April
#2020-election-results #2020-protests #2021 #April #COVID #Crosstabs #infrastructure #presidentialelection #primaries #vaccine
Topline: Full Release -August
#2020 #2020-protests #August #COVID #immigration #presidentialelection #primaries #Topline
February 2021 : National Poll
Topline: Full Release – February
#2020-election-results #2020-protests #2021 #COVID #February #impeachment #infrastructure #Jan-6-Riot #presidentialelection #primaries #Topline #vaccine
Crosstabs: Full Release – February
#2020-election-results #2020-protests #2021 #COVID #Crosstabs #February #impeachment #infrastructure #Jan-6-Riot #presidentialelection #primaries #vaccine
June 2020 : National Poll
Topline: Full Release -June
#2020 #2020-protests #COVID #immigration #June #presidentialelection #primaries #Topline
Crosstabs: Full Release -June
#2020 #2020-protests #COVID #Crosstabs #immigration #June #presidentialelection #primaries
May 2020 : National Poll
Crosstabs: Full Release -May
#2020 #COVID #Crosstabs #immigration #May #presidentialelection #primaries
April 2020 : National Poll
Topline: Full Release -April
#2020 #April #COVID #immigration #presidentialelection #primaries #Topline
Crosstabs: Full Release -April
#2020 #April #COVID #Crosstabs #immigration #presidentialelection #primaries
March 2020 : National Poll
Topline: Full Release -March
#2020 #COVID #immigration #March #presidentialelection #primaries #Topline
Crosstabs: Full Release -March
#2020 #COVID #Crosstabs #immigration #March #presidentialelection #primaries
February 2020 : National Poll
Full Findings – February
#2020 #COVID #February #fullfindings #immigration #impeachment #presidentialelection #primaries
Topline: Full Release -February
#2020 #COVID #February #immigration #impeachment #presidentialelection #primaries #Topline
Crosstabs: Full Release -February
#2020 #COVID #Crosstabs #February #immigration #impeachment #presidentialelection #primaries
January 2020 : National Poll
Topline: Full Release -January
#2020 #COVID #immigration #impeachment #January #presidentialelection #primaries #Topline
Crosstabs: Full Release -January
#2020 #COVID #Crosstabs #immigration #impeachment #January #presidentialelection #primaries
Article: Trump trails Democrats, but approval near highs – January
#2020 #article #COVID #immigration #impeachment #January #presidentialelection #primaries #thehill
Article: Majority of voters want Trump to address health care in State of the Union: poll – January
#2020 #article #COVID #immigration #impeachment #January #presidentialelection #primaries #thehill
Article: Mark Penn: Iowa caucus results chaos sends a loud and clear message (and it’s not just about the candidates)- January
#2020 #article #COVID #foxnews #immigration #impeachment #January #presidentialelection #primaries
December 2019 : National Poll
Topline: Full Release – December
#2019 #COVID #December #immigration #presidentialelection #primaries #Topline
Crosstabs: Full Release – December
#2019 #COVID #Crosstabs #December #immigration #presidentialelection #primaries
November 2019 : National Poll
Topline: Full Release – November
#2019 #COVID #immigration #November #presidentialelection #primaries #Topline
Crosstabs: Full Release – November
#2019 #COVID #Crosstabs #immigration #November #presidentialelection #primaries
Article: Poll: 2020 general election remains wide open – November
#2019 #article #COVID #immigration #November #presidentialelection #primaries #thehill
Article: Poll: Biden holds his lead nationally – November
#2019 #article #COVID #immigration #November #presidentialelection #primaries #thehill
Article: Read Article
#2019 #article #COVID #immigration #November #presidentialelection #primaries #wsj
October 2019 : National Poll
Topline: Full Release – October
#2019 #COVID #immigration #October #presidentialelection #primaries #Topline
September 2019 : National Poll
Topline: Full Release – September
#2019 #COVID #immigration #presidentialelection #primaries #September #Topline
August 2019 : National Poll
Topline: Full Release – August
#2019 #August #COVID #immigration #presidentialelection #primaries #Topline
Crosstabs: Full Release – August
#2019 #August #COVID #Crosstabs #immigration #presidentialelection #primaries
Article: Poll: Biden leads 2020 Democrats, Warren surges to third behind Sanders – August
#2019 #article #August #COVID #immigration #presidentialelection #primaries #thehill
Article: Poll: Voters want US to confront China over trade – August
#2019 #article #August #COVID #immigration #presidentialelection #primaries #thehill
Article: Poll: Trump’s approval steady despite deepening economic fears- August
#2019 #article #August #COVID #immigration #presidentialelection #primaries #thehill
Article: Most Voters Will Blame Donald Trump if America Enters Recession: Poll- August
#2019 #article #August #COVID #immigration #newsweek #presidentialelection #primaries
Article:As Signs of Downturn Loom, Poll Shows 57% of Voters Will Blame Trump If US Economy Goes Into Recession – August
#2019 #article #August #commondreams #COVID #immigration #presidentialelection #primaries
Article: Poll finds American voters don’t want looser immigration policy- August
#2019 #article #August #COVID #immigration #ktrh #presidentialelection #primaries
Article: Who Will Win The Democratic Primary? The Latest On 2020 Presidential Primary Polling – August
#2019 #article #August #COVID #dailywire #immigration #presidentialelection #primaries
Article: Biden Remains Strong, But Democrats Should Be Worried- August
#2019 #article #August #COVID #immigration #presidentialelection #primaries #thenewamerican
July 2019 : National Poll
Topline: Full Release – July
#2019 #COVID #immigration #July #presidentialelection #primaries #Topline
Crosstabs: Full Release – July
#2019 #COVID #Crosstabs #immigration #July #presidentialelection #primaries
June 2019 : National Poll
Topline: Full Release – June
#2019 #COVID #immigration #June #presidentialelection #primaries #Topline
Crosstabs: Full Release – June
#2019 #COVID #Crosstabs #immigration #June #presidentialelection #primaries
May 2019 : National Poll
Crosstabs: Full Release – May
#2019 #COVID #Crosstabs #immigration #May #presidentialelection #primaries
Article: Trump’s approval rating hits highest point in two years – May
#2019 #article #COVID #immigration #May #presidentialelection #primaries #thehill
Article: Poll: Majority oppose Trump impeachment, but most Democrats support it – May
#2019 #article #COVID #immigration #May #presidentialelection #primaries #thehill
Article: Poll: Biden leads 2020 Dem field by 19 points – May
#2019 #article #COVID #immigration #May #presidentialelection #primaries #thehill
Article: Poll: Nearly half of Americans say Supreme Court should uphold Roe v. Wade – May
#2019 #article #COVID #immigration #May #presidentialelection #primaries #thehill
Article: Poll: Majority support law allowing transgender people to use bathrooms that align with their identity – May
#2019 #article #COVID #immigration #May #presidentialelection #primaries #thehill
April 2019 : National Poll
Full Findings – April
#2019 #April #COVID #fullfindings #immigration #presidentialelection #primaries
Topline: Full Release – April
#2019 #April #COVID #immigration #presidentialelection #primaries #Topline
Crosstabs: Full Release – April
#2019 #April #COVID #Crosstabs #immigration #presidentialelection #primaries
Article: Trump approval holds steady amid improving economy – April
#2019 #April #article #COVID #immigration #presidentialelection #primaries #thehill
Article: Poll: Two-thirds of voters oppose impeachment proceedings – April
#2019 #April #article #COVID #immigration #presidentialelection #primaries #thehill
Article: Poll: Biden leads Dem primary field by 30 points – April
#2019 #April #article #COVID #immigration #presidentialelection #primaries #thehill
Article: Poll: Majority of voters say there’s a growing ‘crisis’ at southern border – April
#2019 #April #article #COVID #immigration #presidentialelection #primaries #thehill
March 2019 : National Poll
Topline: Full Release – March
#2019 #COVID #immigration #March #presidentialelection #primaries #Topline
Crosstabs: Full Release – March
#2019 #COVID #Crosstabs #immigration #March #presidentialelection #primaries
February 2019 : National Poll
Crosstabs: Full Release – January
#2019 #Crosstabs #immigration #January #presidentialelection #primaries
January 2019 : National Poll
Crosstabs: Full Release – January
#2019 #Crosstabs #immigration #January #presidentialelection #primaries
Article: Trump’s approval rating holds steady at 45 percent amid government shutdown: poll – January
#2019 #article #immigration #January #presidentialelection #primaries #thehill
Article: Immigration is top issue facing country: poll – January
#2019 #article #immigration #January #presidentialelection #primaries #thehill
Article: Voters split on need for ‘security barrier’ on southern border, oppose ‘a wall’: poll – January
#2019 #article #immigration #January #presidentialelection #primaries #thehill
Article: Poll shows 36 percent support Trump’s reelection, 43 percent prefer generic Democrat – January
#2019 #article #immigration #January #presidentialelection #primaries #thehill
Article: Poll shows 25 percent view McConnell favorably, lowest among leaders in survey – January
#2019 #article #immigration #January #presidentialelection #primaries #thehill
December 2018 : National Poll
Topline: Full Release – December
#2018 #December #immigration #midtermelection #presidentialelection #primaries #Topline
Crosstabs: Full Release – December
#2018 #Crosstabs #December #immigration #midtermelection #presidentialelection #primaries
November 2018 : National Poll
Full Findings – November
#2018 #fullfindings #immigration #midtermelection #November #presidentialelection #primaries
Topline: Full Release – November
#2018 #immigration #midtermelection #November #presidentialelection #primaries #Topline
Crosstabs: Full Release – November
#2018 #Crosstabs #immigration #midtermelection #November #presidentialelection #primaries
October 2018 : National Poll
Topline: Full Release – October
#2018 #immigration #midtermelection #October #presidentialelection #Topline
Crosstabs: Full Release – October
#2018 #Crosstabs #immigration #midtermelection #October #presidentialelection
September 2018 : Flash Poll
Crosstabs: Flash Poll Full Release – September
#2018 #Crosstabs #flashpoll #immigration #midtermelection #presidentialelection #September
Article: Kavanaugh polling: FBI on the hot seat – September
#2018 #article #immigration #midtermelection #presidentialelection #September #thehill
September 2018 : National Poll
Topline: Full Release – September
#2018 #immigration #midtermelection #presidentialelection #September #Topline
Crosstabs: Full Release – September
#2018 #Crosstabs #immigration #midtermelection #presidentialelection #September
August 2018 : National Poll
Topline: Full Release – August
#2018 #August #immigration #midtermelection #presidentialelection #Topline
Crosstabs: Full Release – August
#2018 #August #Crosstabs #immigration #midtermelection #presidentialelection
Article: Trump approval rating holds steady despite Cohen’s legal firestorm – August
#2018 #article #August #immigration #midtermelection #presidentialelection #thehill
Article: Poll: Majority say Brennan, Comey should not have security clearances – August
#2018 #article #August #immigration #midtermelection #presidentialelection #thehill
Article: Poll: Democrats continue to hold lead on generic ballot ahead of midterms – August
#2018 #article #August #immigration #midtermelection #presidentialelection #thehill
Article: Poll: Majority believe Alex Jones should be banned from social media platforms – August
#2018 #article #August #immigration #midtermelection #presidentialelection #thehill
Article: Poll: Majority of voters say secretly recording the president is unacceptable – August
#2018 #article #August #immigration #midtermelection #presidentialelection #thehill
July 2018 : National Poll
Topline: Full Release – July
#2018 #immigration #July #midtermelection #presidentialelection #Topline
Crosstabs: Full Release – July
#2018 #Crosstabs #immigration #July #midtermelection #presidentialelection
Article: Polling could be missing reality, again – July
#2018 #article #immigration #July #midtermelection #presidentialelection #thehill
Article: Most voters believe Kavanaugh will be voted into Supreme Court: poll – July
#2018 #article #immigration #July #midtermelection #presidentialelection #thehill
June 2018 : National Poll
Topline: Full Release – June
#2018 #immigration #June #midtermelection #presidentialelection #Topline
Crosstabs: Full Release – June
#2018 #Crosstabs #immigration #June #midtermelection #presidentialelection
Article: Carter Page warrant reflects attack on our civil liberties – June
#2018 #article #immigration #June #midtermelection #presidentialelection #thehill
Article: To the middle, not the mattresses – June
#2018 #article #immigration #June #midtermelection #presidentialelection #thehill
Article: The dishonesty of the deep state – June
#2018 #article #immigration #June #midtermelection #presidentialelection #thehill
Article: Why the Red Hen incident so troubles us as Americans – June
#2018 #article #immigration #June #midtermelection #presidentialelection #thehill
May 2018 : National Poll
Crosstabs: Full Release – May
#2018 #Crosstabs #immigration #May #midtermelection #presidentialelection
Article: Poll: Trump approval rating at 45 percent – May
#2018 #article #immigration #May #midtermelection #presidentialelection #thehill
Article: Poll finds 60 percent think Mueller probe should end in six months – May
#2018 #article #immigration #May #midtermelection #presidentialelection #thehill
April 2018 : National Poll
Topline: Full Release – April
#2018 #April #immigration #midtermelection #presidentialelection #Topline
Crosstabs: Full Release – April
#2018 #April #Crosstabs #immigration #midtermelection #presidentialelection
Article: Comey’s last stand for the deep state – April
#2018 #April #article #immigration #midtermelection #presidentialelection #thehill
Article: Comey, Mueller and the poisonous tree – April
#2018 #April #article #immigration #midtermelection #presidentialelection #thehill
Article: How about a few questions for Robert Mueller? – April
#2018 #April #article #immigration #midtermelection #presidentialelection #thehill
Article: Rod Rosenstein is not above the law – April
#2018 #April #article #immigration #midtermelection #presidentialelection #thehill
Article: Mark Penn: We Must Stop Using Criminal Process To Get Rid Of Election Winners We Don’t Like – April
#2018 #April #article #immigration #midtermelection #presidentialelection #realclear
Article: Former Clinton Adviser: ‘Irretrievably Tainted’ Trump-Russia Probe Should Be Challenged in Court – April
#2018 #April #article #foxnews #immigration #midtermelection #presidentialelection
March 2018 : National Poll
Topline: Full Release – March
#2018 #immigration #March #midtermelection #presidentialelection #Topline
Crosstabs: Full Release – March
#2018 #Crosstabs #immigration #March #midtermelection #presidentialelection
Topline: Approval Ratings (Limited Release) – March
#2018 #immigration #limitedrelease #March #midtermelection #presidentialelection #Topline
Crosstabs: Approval Ratings (Limited Release) – March
#2018 #Crosstabs #immigration #limitedrelease #March #midtermelection #presidentialelection
Article: Roseanne is bringing conservative women out of the closet – March
#2018 #article #immigration #March #midtermelection #presidentialelection #thehill
Article: ‘Stormy Effect’: Trump’s support falls with women, rises with men in new poll – March
#2018 #article #immigration #March #midtermelection #presidentialelection #thehill
February 2018 : National Poll
Key results – February
#2018 #February #immigration #keyresults #midtermelection #presidentialelection
Topline: Public Affairs – February
#2018 #February #immigration #midtermelection #presidentialelection #Topline
Crosstabs: Public Affairs – February
#2018 #Crosstabs #February #immigration #midtermelection #presidentialelection
Article: Poll: 61 percent back AR-15 ban – February
#2018 #article #February #immigration #midtermelection #presidentialelection #thehill
Article: Poll: Voters want Trump to do more to address violence against women – February
#2018 #article #February #immigration #midtermelection #presidentialelection #thehill
Article: Poll: Voters say Trump is unfair to the media – February
#2018 #article #February #immigration #midtermelection #presidentialelection #thehill
Article: Poll finds broad support for path to citizenship for DACA recipients – February
#2018 #article #February #immigration #midtermelection #presidentialelection #thehill
January 2018 : National Poll
Crosstabs: DACA, Shutdown, and Taxes Flash Poll – January
#2018 #Crosstabs #immigration #January #midtermelection #presidentialelection
Topline: DACA, Shutdown, and Taxes Flash Poll – January
#2018 #immigration #January #midtermelection #presidentialelection #Topline
Crosstabs: Current Affairs – January
#2018 #Crosstabs #currentaffairs #immigration #January #midtermelection #presidentialelection
Topline: Current Affairs – January
#2018 #currentaffairs #immigration #January #midtermelection #presidentialelection #Topline
Article: Poll: Majority oppose shutting down government over DACA provision – January
#2018 #article #immigration #January #midtermelection #presidentialelection #thehill
Article: Trump job approval hovers near low-point- January
#2018 #article #immigration #January #midtermelection #presidentialelection #thehill
Article: Poll: Biden holds double-digit lead over field of 2020 Dem presidential contenders – January
#2018 #article #immigration #January #midtermelection #presidentialelection #thehill
December 2017: National Poll
November 2017: National Poll
October 2017: National Poll
Article: Americans ‘evenly split’ over need to regulate Facebook and other big tech – October
#2017 #article #October #theguardian
Article: Poll: Trump job approval dips to new low in Harvard-Harris poll – October
#2017 #article #October #thehill
Article: Poll finds broad support for renegotiating nuclear deal with Iran – October
#2017 #article #October #thehill
September 2017: National Poll
Article: Poll: Two-thirds of Republicans back citizenship for DACA recipients – September
#2017 #article #September #thehill
Article: Poll: Majority supports single-payer health care – September
#2017 #article #September #thehill
August 2017: National Poll
Article: Poll: Majority disapprove of Trump’s handling of North Korea – August
#2017 #article #August #thehill
Article: Poll: Trump missed an opportunity to unite after Charlottesville – August
#2017 #article #August #thehill
Article: Poll: McConnell the country’s least popular politician – August
#2017 #article #August #thehill
July 2017: National Poll
June 2017: National Poll
May 2017: National Poll
Article: OPINION: Don’t repeat the mistakes of Clinton and 1998 with Trump – May
#2017 #article #May #thehill
April 2017: National Poll
Article: Poll: Bernie Sanders country’s most popular active politician – April
#2017 #April #article #thehill
Article: Voters back Trump on Syria, wary of North Korea action – April
#2017 #April #article #thehill
Article: Poll: Voters support controversial border-adjustment tax – April
#2017 #April #article #thehill
March 2017: National Poll
Article: Poll: By 2 to 1 margin, registered voters reject Comey – March
#2017 #article #March #thehill
February 2017: National Poll
Article: Poll: Americans want Democrats to work with Trump – February
#2017 #article #February #thehill
Article: Trump and Democrats must work together or face the wrath of voters – February
#2017 #article #February #thehill
Article: Americans brimming with optimism on the economy – February
#2017 #article #February #thehill
Article: Poll: Americans overwhelmingly oppose sanctuary cities – February
#2017 #article #February #thehill