Americans ‘evenly split’ over need to regulate Facebook and other big tech
Voters in the US are evenly divided over whether to regulate technology companies like Google, Twitter and Facebook that enable the targeting of users based on their political interests, according to a survey that suggests many Americans remain undecided over whether Silicon Valley is a force for good...
Poll: Trump job approval dips to new low in Harvard-Harris poll
President Trump’s job approval rating has swung to a new low in the Harvard-Harris poll, after briefly rebounding last month, according to the latest poll from Harvard-Harris. Forty-two percent approve of the job President Trump is doing, while 58 percent say they disapprove, according to the latest Harvard-Harris survey...
A majority of GOP voters say Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) should resign as majority leader, according to a new poll. The survey from Harvard-Harris Poll also found that the Republican Party’s approval rating has hit a new low, amid widespread intraparty dissatisfaction with congressional leadership...
Poll finds broad support for renegotiating nuclear deal with Iran
A strong majority of voters — including most Democrats — said the U.S. should renegotiate the Obama administration’s nuclear deal with Iran, according to a recent poll. Furthermore, there is broad support for any new deal to be ratified by Congress, rather than implemented as an executive agreement, as former President Obama did in 2015...
The polls that failed to detect the full strength of President Trump on Election Day continue to underestimate the president’s support for the job he is doing, paying way too much attention to the Twitter wars and ignoring the public support for many of the actions is undertaking...
Poll: Two-thirds of Republicans back citizenship for DACA recipients
About two-thirds of Republicans support a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, according to a new poll. The latest Harvard-Harris survey found broad support for a pathway to citizenship for everyone in the country illegally, providing certain conditions are met. And by a nearly 2-to-1 margin, Republicans say that young immigrants brought to the country through no fault of their own should be shielded from deportation...